
Giuseppe Chiaravalli
Founding Partner
Born in Milan, he is an accountant enrolled in the Register of Certified Public Accountants and Accounting Experts since 1965 and the Register of Auditors since 1995. Specialised in tax, financial reporting and corporate matters, he is a tax consultant for many industrial, commercial and financial companies and has acquired extensive experience in the real estate and banking sectors. With reference to the latter, he was Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors for a Cooperative Credit Bank (now BCC) in Milan for over 20 years. He has held and holds the position of auditor for companies belonging to banking, commercial and service groups. Founder of the firm in 1973, which later became a professional association in the 1990s, he is in charge of the organisation function and human resources management at the firm.

Andrea Chiaravalli
Senior Partner
Born in Milan, in 1989 he graduated from Bocconi University with honours. Enrolled in the Register of Certified Public Accountants since 1991 and the Register of Auditors since 1995. Enrolled in the Register of Technical Experts of the Court of Milan for tax matters and tax penalties. Specialised in tax matters and commercial penalties, as well as financial reporting, he has published several articles on tax matters in the past, collaborating with the journal “Il Fisco”, among others. He was a member of the Assolombarda Technical Tax Committee. He has acquired extensive experience in the banking sector, at asset management companies (AMC), brokerage firms and financial intermediaries pursuant to Art. 106 of the Consolidated Law on Banking. He has held the position of auditor and independent director for listed companies and banks, financial brokers and insurance companies. He is a member of the Supervisory Board pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001 for companies owned by public administrations and public interest entities referred to in Article 16, Legislative Decree 39/2010.

David Reali
Senior Partner
Born in Forli, he graduated magna cum laude from Bocconi University in 1988. Enrolled in the Register of Certified Public Accountants since 1989 and the Register of Auditors since 1995. He specialises in the areas of accounting, tax and financial reporting and has published various articles on tax matters in the past, collaborating with journals including Il Fisco, Italia Oggi and Rivista dei Dottori Commercialisti. He is a consultant for many industrial, commercial and financial companies; he has held and holds the position of auditor for several companies, including banks, listed companies and large enterprises. He currently follows extraordinary finance transactions (mergers, acquisitions and splits; business transfers and sales). He has collaborated and still collaborates with private equity firms and is involved in M&A transactions, performing tax and corporate structuring as well as tax due diligence. He became an executive partner of the firm in 2000; in the context of the professional association, he is also in charge of the administration and finance function, along with the M&A and Tax Due Diligence areas.

Marco Curti
Born in Pavia, Marco Curti graduated from the University of Pavia in 2002. Enrolled in the Milan Register of Certified Public Accountants and the Register of Auditors since 2009. He joined the firm in 2015, and became partner in 2021. He gained significant experience at a leading auditing firm before starting his freelance career. At the firm he is mainly in charge of drafting statutory and consolidated financial statements, assisting the transition to the IAS/IFRS international accounting standards, drafting financial statements based on IAS/IFRS, the preparation of impairment tests, performance of tax and accounting due diligence activities, corporate restructuring and streamlining, company valuation, corporate assistance and consultancy, and ordinary tax assistance. He holds the position of auditor for several national companies operating in the industrial sector. Since 2010, he has been Director of the School of Higher Education (SAF) for national and international accounting standards of the Milan Foundation of Certified Public Accountants, where he is also a teacher.

Alessandro Maruffi
Born in Milan, he graduated from Bocconi University in 1999. Enrolled in the Register of Certified Public Accountants and the Register of Auditors since 2004. He specialises in the areas of accounting, tax and financial reporting. He is a tax consultant for many industrial, commercial and financial companies, and holds the position of auditor for several companies, including listed companies and large enterprises. He currently follows extraordinary finance transactions (corporate transformations, mergers and splits; business transfers and sales). He works with certain private equity funds and is involved in M&A transactions, for which he performs tax due diligence. He became partner at the firm in 2012; at the professional association, he is in charge, among other things, of the accounting function and the organisational procedures prepared for relations with the Financial Administration.

Anna Rota
Laureatasi in Economia Aziendale presso l’Università degli Studi di Bergamo, ha iniziato la propria collaborazione con lo Studio nel 2013.
È iscritta all’Ordine dei Dottori Commercialisti ed Esperti Contabili di Milano e nel Registro dei Revisori Legali.
Si occupa principalmente di diritto societario, gestione bilanci e operazioni straordinarie, consulenza fiscale e tributaria con specializzazione nella tassazione consolidata di gruppo.
Esperta in materia antiriciclaggio ex D. Lgs. 231/2007 e componente di organi di controllo di diverse società.
Our professionals
The firm has been serving national and international customers from the Milan office since 1965. The firm boasts a team of 5 partners, 11 professionals and 11 collaborators assigned to outsourced services for customers.